
Tutorbook is the default (and public) organization for Tutorbook's web app; it can be used by anyone and everyone who needs (or wants to become) a volunteer tutor or mentor. We're connecting K-12 students with volunteer tutors (amidst COVID-19) and 9-12 students with expert mentors to work on cool projects together (also during COVID-19 and beyond).

Tutorbook is using Tutorbook to manage it's tutoring program. You can use Tutorbook to sign-up as a tutor or search Tutorbook's existing tutors.

How it works

First, new volunteers register using the sign-up form linked to the right. Organization admins then vet those volunteers (to ensure they are who they say they are) before adding them to the search view for students to find. Finally, students and parents use the search view (linked to the right) to find and request those volunteers. Recurring meetings (e.g. on Zoom or Google Meet) are then set up via email.